QCSC (Quantum Computing and Simulation Center) is an Italian initiative promoted by the University of Padua through the World Class Research Infrastructure (WCRI) call, in the context of Spoke 10 of the National Research Center in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing, of which CINECA is also a member.
The project, led by Prof. Simone Montangero of the University of Padua, involves the acquisition and installation of a quantum computer and the creation of a world-class scientific investigation center that will house the machine.
The idea is to develop a general-purpose quantum computer with “trapped-ion” technology at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padua and, together with local, national and international actors, to create around it a center of expertise to guide and fuel the development and insertion of quantum technologies in the Italian academic and business environment.
The mission thus consists of what represents a formidable technological challenge, namely the realization of an efficient and scalable quantum processor. Given the current state of available quantum hardware, the goal of the project is to go and collaborate with Italian and EU research labs and startups to serve as a center of expertise contributing to the development of a federated European technology.
The quantum machine will be used for research purposes, and the center of excellence will be integrated into the large european network that is planned to be built.
The infrastructure will be based in Padua, but it will be delocalized and will include several Italian players willing to embrace this challenge, from different aspects: theoretical, experimental, algorithmic, portability, technological innovation, market application and research.
CINECA has been collaborating with the University of Padua for years, and is among the main partners of the QCSC. In particular, Daniele Ottaviani, coordinator of CINECA’s Quantum Computing Lab, in addition to being Working Unit Leader, is a member of the General Assembly and Steering Committeee of the project.
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