Since its theorization, now more than 40 years ago, quantum computing has immediately shown that it has enormous potential as a method of computation.

It has been realized that, by exploiting the basic principles of quantum mechanics, it is possible to carry out normally very long and complex calculations in a relatively short time.

Today the quantum computer market is in full evolution: different computer models have emerged, based on different qubits technologies and with different functionalities, as well as different software stacks able to emulate and/or operate the QPUs of today’s NISQs (Noisy Intermediate- Scale Quantum) computers.

The Practical Quantum Computing School (PQCS) aims to show the end user how to actually use the best and most influential quantum software stack available to the scientific community today. 


DAY 1 | IBMQ – Qiskit

Teachers: Federico Accetta, Federico Mattei, Pietro Rizzo, Luca Crippa (IBM)

DAY 2 | D-Wave – Ocean

Teacher: Victoria Goliber (D-Wave)

DAY 3 | Pasqal – Pulser

Teachers: Sebastian Grijalva, Anton Quelle, Kemal BIDZHIEV (Pasqal)

DAY 4 | Atos – myQLM

Teacher: Agostino Cassese (ATOS)

DAY 5 | Nvidia – cuQuantum

Teachers: Carlo Nardone, Andrea Pasquale, Andreas Hehn, Zohim Chandani, Stavros Efthymiou

School web page

Talks and slides

PQCS | Day 1 – IBMq – Qiskit | Part I


Federico Mattei (IBM)

PQCS | Day 1 – IBMq – Qiskit | Part II


Federico Accetta (IBM)

PQCS | Day 2 – D-Wave – Ocean | Part I


Victoria Goliber (D-Wave)

PQCS | Day 2 – D-Wave – Ocean | Part II


Victoria Goliber (D-Wave)

PQCS | Day 2 – D-Wave – Ocean | Part III


Victoria Goliber (D-Wave)

PQCS | Day 3 – Pasqal – Pulser | Part I


Sebastian Grijalva (Pasqal)

PQCS | Day 3 – Pasqal – Pulser | Part II


Kemal Bidzhiev (Pasqal)

PQCS | Day 4 – Atos – myQLM | Part I


Agostino Maria Cassese (Atos)

PQCS | Day 4 – Atos – myQLM | Part II


Agostino Maria Cassese (Atos)

PQCS | Day 4 – Atos – myQLM | Part III


Agostino Maria Cassese (Atos)

PQCS | Day 4 – myQLM Hands-on Session | Part IV


Agostino Maria Cassese (Atos)

PQCS | Day 5 – NVIDIA – cuQuantum, QODA | Part I


Carlo Nardone, Andreas Hehn, Zohim Chandani (NVIDIA)

PQCS | Day 5 – Qibo Hands-on Session | Part II


Andrea Pasquale, Stavros Efthymiou (TII)