Relatore: Michele Amoretti (Università di Parma)
Quantum compiling concerns circuit transformations that modify a given quantum circuit to fit a quantum computer architecture. In general, the quantum compilation problem is NP-Hard. For this reason, it is mostly approached with heuristic strategies. On noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices, quantum compiling must be characterized by the following features:
1) gate synthesis, i.e., the ability of decomposing an arbitrary unitary operation into a sequence of gates from a discrete set;
2) compliance with the architecture of the device; 3) noise awareness. Quality indicators are the circuit depth, the gate count and the fidelity of achieved quantum states.
In this talk, we present the quantum compiling techniques we have recently developed [1,2]. In particular, we illustrate the Deterministic Pattern-Oriented Quantum Compiler (DPQC), an efficient software tool for compiling relevant (i.e., recurrent) quantum circuit patterns. Such patterns appear, for example, in quantum circuits that are used to comput the ground state properties of simple molecular systems. In the last part of the talk, we illustrate more generalized compiling techniques we are studying.