Relatore: Fabio Baruffa (Intel)
Quantum computing technologies are rapidly emerging, thus opening a new era for computational science,
where complex and intractable problems can be solved using quantum mechanical effects, like superposition and entanglement. Physical qubits and gates implementations are under investigation, like using superconducting circuits, spins in quantum dots, ion traps, to name a few.
However, the main questions remain: Why the research community and the industry are interested is such challenge?
Let’s imagine a scalable quantum computer will be available soon, do we have enough comprehension of new algorithms to be able to fully utilize the potential of such new machine for solving computational problems?
The good news is that we do not need to wait for a fully functional hardware in order to understand how to implement new kinds of quantum algorithms.
In this framework, simulation environments such as the Intel® Quantum Simulator can be highly helpful to design,
implement and test new quantum algorithm and run the simulation on already available High-Performance computing systems. In this presentation, we will show how to use the software environment and how this has been used to solve a natural language processing problem.